About Our Cause

The Clays For Cardio Shoot-Out is our annual clay shooting tournament that benefits The Cardiovascular Foundation of Southeast Texas and the students, families, and research we support. The Cardiovascular Foundation of Southeast Texas (CFST) was inspired by what we’ve learned from more than 100 clinical trials as principal investigators over the past 21 years at the Southeast Texas Clinical Research Center (SETCRC). Those trials evaluated both medical treatments and devices designed to improve cardiovascular health.
The SETCRC supports the design and performance of clinical trials to improve the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular disorders. The CFST is currently funding the design and development of two medical research and software projects.
The Foundation grants educational scholarships for healthcare students in Southeast Texas. CFST also provides funds for medical support for indigent patients in our community.

Geneveive Alina Phillip
Geneveive is a 2-year-old little “woman warrior” who was born with a condition known as Ventricular Septal Defect (multiple large holes in her heart). Among several other complications, Genevieve developed Critical Limb Ischemia, which led to an above the knee amputation in October of 2017. So far in her little life, Genevieve has undergone three major surgeries. She is scheduled for another open heart surgery in October of 2019, so even more recovery and ongoing treatments lie in store for this brave girl. Her family’s faith and strength keep them going, and the CFST is thankful to assist in their journey.

Kobee Kohen
Kobee is a 13-year-old 8th grader who is currently enrolled at St. Anne Catholic School. He was diagnosed with Pediatric Rhabdomysarcoma, a rare soft tissue cancer, in 2015. After one year of chemo and radiation, all scans showed he was in remission until February of 2019. The cancer unfortunately returned and metastasized through his body. Kobee is still undergoing chemotherapy and radiation treatments to alleviate tumor sizes and pressure build up behind his orbital region. As of July 2019, no new growth has been detected, and his family is grateful, but still needs assistance in his treatment and recovery.
2020 Shoot-Out Schedule
10:00 A.M. – Registration with light breakfast
10:45 A.M. – Mandatory safety briefing
12:30 P.M. – Kids’ activities begin & Live music begins
1:00 P.M. – Lunch provided by Courville’s
A short presentation ceremony about the Foundation will take place after the flight has ended. The winners of the Shoot-Out will also be given their awards at this time.
Not a shooter? Join us anyway! Bring the whole family for a memorable, fun-filled day!